A River Saraswati is mentioned frequently in Rig Veda and the tribe of Aryans who resided in the large valley of the Saraswati River were known as Saraswats. Saraswati was a mighty river in ancient times and dried up some 4000 years ago. The lost courses of the river have been recently traced by satellite imagery and extensive excavations conducted in western region of the subcontinent. The large region is referred to as Saraswati Mandala in Vedas and was a home to learned Brahmins who specialized in vedic studies, astrology, mathematics, navigation, medicine and mainly metaphysics. When the river dried up, and agriculture, their main profession suffered, they moved to different regions. Hence we find Saraswats in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Kashmir (they are known as Pundits, but essentially they are Saraswats), Uttara Pradesh and the South. They came to Goa and western Maharastra (today's Konkan belt) via the sea route. Over centuries the Saraswats localized and hence the diversity in their language and traits. Saraswats are recognized even today for their intelligence, hard work, resilience and accommodative spirit throughout India.
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