A It is a well established fact that the Saraswats scattered throughout the world are westernized. With rapid globalization, there is hardly a future for smaller groups and languages. Konkani is no exception. Younger generations of Konkanis living outside of Konkan belt hardly speak Konkani at home. In old times, due to poor transportation in India and social isolation, the Konkanis adhered to their language, deities, and customs which made them aware of their identity. Now there is no dire need for unity in the community and the culture has suffered. There are some efforts to rejuvenate the Konkani heritage. I have seen some Konkani web sites. A publisher from Goa has volunteered to publish Kamat's book in Konkani! At the request of Sunaparanth in 1995, I had painstakingly collected Konkani vyovyo (traditional wedding poems- it is available for researchers. please contact), which is a fast dying literary art. But no art forms can survive when there is no patronage.
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